How to Begin Yoga For Mind And Body

Yoga For Mind And Body

Practicing yoga brings many health benefits for both mind and body. Yoga not only makes you physically strong, but it also brings that mental peace and improves your self-awareness. It is a spiritual, physical and mental practice that is followed from ancient times. Regular disciplined yoga can make your life feel better.

Yoga makes you live in the present, it teaches you to enjoy your present moment.

How to Begin

Before starting you need to understand what is yoga and how it helps. Yoga is not about those asanas, but it is about Breathing with those movements. You do not need to be flexible or graceful to do that yoga pose, you need to breathe gracefully in that.

In yoga an asana makes you feel internally alive, it makes you aware of your breath and mind. Yoga teaches your mind to focus to the center of your body. Regular yoga practice improves your health and keeps your mind calm and happy.

Yoga unites body, mind, and spirit through meditation and breathing.

Breathing in Yoga

In yoga your conscious breathing makes you feel alive. With increased breath awareness you will gain new energy, feeling of cleansing and mental clarity.  A regular flow of breath makes you attain a perfect pose.

In yoga, one should inhale on opening or unfolding the body, when stretching your body. Exhale when releasing or closing the body. When you apply these general rules in your yoga practice it should feel right to your body. When you breathe comfortably in your yoga practice then you have attained a perfect pose.

Presence of Mind

When you spend some time in a posture, it quietens the mind and thus increases concentration. By staying present in a pose your awareness deepens. Yoga asana with a conscious mind increases your feel-good factor.

Do’s And Don’t’s

In a yoga asana, you should feel steady and comfortable. When doing stretching in yoga your body should not feel any strain. Overworking your body in the name of yoga is not advised. When your mind is present in a pose it gives strength to that pose. When you gain that strength, energy, and lightness, it is easy to move your body. Flow in and out of a pose to release tension from your body.

In the beginning, you may need to put some efforts to attain a pose. With regular practice, you get more comfortable and the effort needed for that pose reduces. With some dedication, asanas will feel more comfortable and rewarding.

Discomfort and pain

When you stretch in yoga you may feel some discomfort, which is the resistance of your body. It is normal for your body to show some discomfort when you are exploring something new. But pain is more acute and is not a pleasant feeling. If you feel pain then your body alignment is not right, it should not be ignored.

Light optimum strain will engage your mind in the right direction. Yoga is meant to remove pain and suffering.

Play your edge

During practice push your edge in a slow and humble way. Grow with every pose, stay in a pose with a steady breath.  Let your body adapt the pose, attain a new level in every pose. Master your practice and challenge yourself with every pose. Be flexible with your mind, do not push it beyond limits. Encourage yourself and enjoy your yoga.

Your goal

Think about what you want to achieve with yoga. Be clear about your intention and start your practice with an open mind. Regular practice of yoga is a reward itself. Practice with honesty and integrity to make your yoga journey a joyful one.

2 thoughts on “How to Begin Yoga For Mind And Body”

  1. Beautiful and very well written. I am a true believer of yoga and I recommend all to practice yoga but when u put it like that it is very inspiring.

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